Bilgisayarınızdan yanlışlıkla sildiğiniz resim, müzik, video, döküman, belge, dosya gibi pek çok türde içeriği kurtarabileceğiniz kullanımı kolay bir veri kurtarma programıdır. Basit arayüzü sayesinde birkaç tıklama ile sabit disk, harici medya veya USB bellek gibi disklerden kolaylıkla dosya kurtarabilirsiniz.
Ontrack EasyRecovery Professional / Technician Ontrack EasyRecovery is an advanced application specialized in recovering lost or deleted files from hard drives, optical drives or removable storage devices. Additionally, the program is able to recover formatted, lost or damaged drives.
User-friendly interface
The software makes use of a built-in wizard which comes in handy especially for rookies, as they are offered guidance throughout the entire configuration process.
Recovery options
Ontrack EasyRecovery gives you the possibility to select the media that best fits your data loss problem, namely hard drive (be they internal or external storage devices), memory device (for example: SD, CF, MMC connected via USB or Firewire), optical media (e.g. CD, DVD), multimedia/mobile device (digital camera, MP3 player, smartphone), or RAID system.