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Head First Swift 1st Edition

Head First Swift 1st Edition

What will you learn from this book?
Apple’s new modern programming language, Swift, is slowly becoming the "go to" language for iOS and OS X development. The language will attract existing developers because of its modern features and prototyping tools, and it will attract new developers because of its less-steep learning curve. That said, Swift is deep, and contains many advanced concepts, constructs, and patterns. Developers need a way to learn these new features and understand them in context. Head First is an effective vehicle for this level of teaching, and Head First Swift is no exception.

Why does this book look so different?
Based on the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory, Head First Swift uses a visually rich format to engage your mind, rather than a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep. Why waste your time struggling with new concepts? This multi-sensory learning experience is designed for the way your brain really works.