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The Complete Guide to Lesson Planning and Preparation

The Complete Guide to Lesson Planning and Preparation

This book provides expert advice on perennial issues in teaching - planning and preparation. By taking the best ideas from a variety of sectors, and drawing on an unusual breadth of experience as a teacher, parent and business manager, the author's advice is uniquely well-rounded and pragmatic.

Packed with anecdotes, reflective questions and exercises, this enjoyable read covers everything a teacher needs to plan and prepare effectively, and use assessment to inspire more professional and fruitful lessons.
This book provides expert advice on perennial issues in teaching - planning and preparation. By taking the best ideas from a variety of sectors, and drawing on an unusual breadth of experience as a teacher, parent and business manager, the author's advice is uniquely well-rounded and pragmatic.

Packed with anecdotes, reflective questions and exercises, this enjoyable read covers everything a teacher needs to plan and prepare effectively, and use assessment to inspire more professional and fruitful lessons.

Teaching IELTS: Cambridge English Teacher

Teaching IELTS: Cambridge English Teacher Gain a thorough understanding of IELTS and help your learners approach the exam with confidence. Use

28-04-2019, 16:08, e-Books