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Teaching Secondary English - by Mark Pike

Teaching Secondary English - by Mark Pike

Teaching Secondary English:

`The book is written in clear, digestible terms, offering many practical ideas for teaching the key skills and the wide range of material encountered in the English classroom. .. It is the kind of book which can be dipped into, which is particularly useful for people who spend most of their time planning lessons!′

`Teaching Secondary English is a must for student teachers and NQTs. It is a clear, comprehensive and practical guidebook dealing not solely with theory and pedagogy, but with the very real issues facing new teachers today′

` It is clear that Teaching Secondary English, unlike so many textbooks on the subject, is written by someone with recent classroom experience and this helps the reader to trust and respect the advice it purports. I certainly feel it is grounded in practicalities not "pie in the sky" theory that will not work in most `real′ classrooms!′

This book enables English teachers to implement change and rise to new challenges, while remaining true to an ethically and socially just position which provides the rationale for their vocation. The author describes and evaluates recent changes to English teaching brought about by initiatives such as the Literacy Strategy, the new `A′ levels and the requirement to focus on spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Examples of innovative teaching and learning strategies are provided throughout.

The author helps teachers to foster keen readers, writers and communicators. He shows how they can enable their students to acquire skills and knowledge, as well as to recognize the value of aesthetic experience, emotional literacy and spiritual and moral response to literature in their own lives and in their communities.

This book is essential reading for PGCE students as well as practising teachers and all those involved in English in education.

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English for Primary Teachers (Book + CD) This book is an easy to use introduction to teaching English to children in elementary grades. It offers

28-02-2019, 23:02, e-Books