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Starting English Teaching (Teaching Secondary English Series)

Starting English Teaching (Teaching Secondary English Series)

"Starting English Teaching" is aimed at new teachers and at teachers new to the teaching of English. Its main focus is the secondary classroom, but primary teachers too will find here much to interest them. Taking the National Curriculum in English as a starting point, but not necessarily the last word on the subject, Robert Jeffcoate looks at the theoretical issues involved in thinking about what English means, defining goals and planning the...

Teaching Secondary English - by Mark Pike

21-03-2021, 15:16, e-Books
English for Primary Teachers (Book + CD)

English for Primary Teachers (Book + CD) This book is an easy to use introduction to teaching English to children in elementary grades. It offers

28-02-2019, 23:02, e-Books
English for Primary Teachers (Book + CD)

English for Primary Teachers (Book + CD) This book is an easy to use introduction to teaching English to children in elementary grades. It offers

10-10-2017, 13:15, e-Books