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Phrasal Verb Fun

Phrasal Verb Fun

If you spend ten minutes a day with this book for ten days, I guarantee you will know more about phrasal verbs than 99% of all non-native English teachers.
Most people learning English think that phrasal verbs - verbs with more than one word - are hard to learn. Schools and academies hand out long lists of them with no explanation. And the whole thing becomes boring, frustrating and really hard to remember.
I have been teaching for over twenty years and this is the number one complaint of my students about English grammar and vocabulary.
This book is different. There are no lists here, and you don’t have to memorise anything. Instead, there are over 750 little stories, one for each verb. And all you have to do is read the stories - in any order you like - for about ten minutes a day.
You don’t learn phrasal verbs, you get used to them.