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Teaching and Learning Vocabulary: Bringing Research to Practice

Teaching and Learning Vocabulary: Bringing Research to Practice

Although proficiency in vocabulary has long been recognized as basic to reading proficiency, there has been a paucity of research on vocabulary teaching and learning over the last two decades. Recognizing this, the U.S. Department of Education recently sponsored a Focus on Vocabulary conference that attracted the best-known and most active researchers in the vocabulary field. This book is the outgrowth of that conference. It presents scientific evidence from leading research programs that address persistent issues regarding the role of vocabulary in text comprehension. Part I examines how vocabulary is learned; Part II presents instructional interventions that enhance vocabulary; and Part III looks at which words to choose for vocabulary instruction.

Vocabulary Matrix: Understanding, Learning, Teaching

Vocabulary Matrix: Understanding, Learning, Teaching is an innovative resource for language teachers, particularly those who are pre-service or new.

17-09-2017, 00:00, e-Books
The Vocabulary Builder: The Practically Painless Way to a Larger Vocabulary (Study Smart Series) 1st Edition

The Vocabulary Builder: The Practically Painless Way to a Larger Vocabulary (Study Smart Series) 1st Edition

12-05-2019, 23:25, e-Books