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Healing Herbs: A Beginner's Guide to Identifying, Foraging, and Using Medicinal Plants

Healing Herbs: A Beginner's Guide to Identifying, Foraging, and Using Medicinal Plants

Ever wondered about the benefits of dandelion, chickweed, and elder? Healing Herbs is an essential reference for the beginning herbalist, featuring 20 common herbs, many of which are considered weeds, that can often be found in hedgerows, meadows, and wild places.

Along with medicinal information, this book includes traditional folklore and fortifying recipes for each edible or medicinal plant, and plenty of easy-to-follow instructions to help fill a backyard herbalist's medicine chest with remedies to keep the whole family happy and healthy.

Healing Herbs is conveniently organized by plant, making it easier for the home herbalist to find, identify, and use healing plants from the backyard. Herbalist Tina Sams identifies the 20 most common and healthful herbs and over 100 natural remedies that are easy, inexpensive, and effective. This illustrated guide is fundamental for any nature-lover's library.

Herbal Remedies Made Simple: A Beginner's Guide to Using Plants, Herbs, and Flowers for Health and Well-Being

Herbal Remedies Made Simple is a unique guide to natural healing items you can make yourself, with each herbal remedy showcased in a full-color,

15-03-2021, 23:07, e-Books
Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine: 550 Herbs and Remedies for Common Ailments

Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine: 550 Herbs and Remedies for Common Ailments

21-05-2019, 00:29, e-Books