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Renaissance Art in Venice: From Tradition to Individualism

Renaissance Art in Venice: From Tradition to Individualism
Renaissance Art in Venice: From Tradition to Individualism

Art and architecture have always been central to Venice but in the Renaissance period, between c.1440 and 1600, they reached a kind of apotheosis when many of the city's new buildings, sculpture, and paintings took on distinctive and original qualities. The spread of Renaissance values provided leading artists such as Gentile and Giovanni Bellini, Giorgione, Palladio, Titian, and Tintoretto with a licence for artistic invention. This inventiveness however also needs to be understood in relation to the artists and artworks that still conformed to the more traditional, corporate, and public values of "Venetianness"' (Venezianità).

Renaissance Architecture

The Renaissance was a diverse phenomenon, marked by innovation and economic expansion, the rise of powerful rulers, religious reforms, and social

13-03-2019, 15:01, e-Books
The Cambridge Companion to the Italian Renaissance

The Cambridge Companion to the Italian Renaissance

1-05-2019, 20:40, e-Books
The Italian Renaissance State

The Italian Renaissance State This magisterial study proposes a revised and innovative view of the political history of Renaissance Italy. Drawing

1-05-2019, 00:15, e-Books
Murder in Renaissance Italy

Murder in Renaissance Italy

8-05-2019, 23:18, e-Books