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The Business of War: Military Enterprise and Military Revolution in Early Modern Europe

The Business of War: Military Enterprise and Military Revolution in Early Modern Europe
The Business of War: Military Enterprise and Military Revolution in Early Modern Europe

This is a major new approach to the military revolution and the relationship between warfare and the power of the state in early modern Europe. Whereas previous accounts have emphasised the growth of state-run armies during this period, David Parrott argues instead that the delegation of military responsibility to sophisticated and extensive networks of private enterprise reached unprecedented levels. This included not only the hiring of troops but their equipping, the supply of food and munitions, and the financing of their operations. The book reveals the extraordinary prevalence and capability of private networks of commanders, suppliers, merchants and financiers who managed the conduct of war on land and at sea, challenging the traditional assumption that reliance on mercenaries and the private sector results in corrupt and inefficient military force. In so doing, the book provides essential historical context to contemporary debates about the role of the private sector in warfare.

European warfare, 1350-1750

European warfare, 1350-1750 The period 1350-1750 saw major developments in European warfare, which not only had a huge impact on the way wars were

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The Army of Flanders and the Spanish Road 1567-1659

The Army of Flanders and the Spanish Road 1567-1659 The publication of "The Army of Flanders and the Spanish Road" in 1972 marked the

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News Networks in Early Modern Europe

News Networks in Early Modern Europe

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