Life is stranger than fiction. Recent investigations hint at episodes in the history of life on Earth that rival the most imaginative movies. For example: Could our planet have been seeded with life from elsewhere? Did the development of life create conditions that threatened to poison the biosphere? How have natural forces conspired, over and over, to remove most traces of life from the planet? And how has life itself responded with determination to survive and thrive in a multitude of astonishing forms?
A New History of Life
Topics: 1 The Interconnected Earth 2 The Vast Depths of Earth Time 3 Fossil Clocks 4 Paleontologists as Detectives 5 The Shifting Surface of Planet Earth 6 Earliest Origins—Formation of the Planet 7 Origins of Land, Ocean, and Air 8 The Early Chemical Evolution of Life 9 Hints of the First Life Forms 10 How Life Transformed the Early Earth 11 Snowball Earth—Another Crisis 12 Metazoans—Life Grows Up 13 Incredible Variety—The Cambrian Explosion 14 Window to a Lost World—The Burgess Shale 15 The Forgotten Fossils in Earth’s Story 16 Introduction to the Great Mass Extinctions 17 The Collapse of Earth’s First Eden 18 Making the Break for Land 19 Getting a Backbone—The Story of Vertebrates 20 The Evolution of Jaws 21 These Limbs Were Made for Walking? 22 Tiktaalik—The Search for a Fishapod 23 Carboniferous Giants and Coal 24 Amniotes—The Shape of Things to Come 25 Permian Extinction—Life’s Worst Catastrophe 26 Finding the Killer—The Greenhouse Earth 27 The Dinosaurs Take Over 28 Letting the Dinosaurs Speak—Paleobehavior 29 Conquering the Air—The Evolution of Flight 30 Monsters of the Deep—Mesozoic Oceans 31 The Cretaceous Earth—A Tropical Planet 32 The Sky Is Falling—End of the Dinosaurs 33 The Collision of North and South America 34 The Rise of Mammals and the Last Ice Age 35 The Humble Origins of Human Beings 36 The Conscious Earth