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British Military History For Dummies

British Military History For Dummies
British Military History For Dummies

A plain-English guide to Britons in battle, from the Roman invasion to the ongoing Iraqi war.Charging through the Britain's military past, this accessible guide brings to life the battles and wars that shaped the history of Britain — and the world. The book profiles commanders, explains strategies and tactics, and covers key developments in weaponry and technology.

British History For Dummies

British History For Dummies

4-04-2019, 19:43, e-Books
DK - History of Britain & Ireland: The Definitive Visual Guide

From the Roman conquest of 43 CE to the Norman conquest of 1066 and from the Elizabethan age of Shakespeare to the Iraq and Afghan wars of the 21st

5-05-2019, 13:46, e-Books