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English Result Elementary

English Result Elementary
English Result Elementary

A new general English course with a strong focus on student motivation and communicative speaking outcomes. Package includes DVDs and interactive whiteboard resources.English Result offers a fresh approach to learning. The two-page lesson format maximizes student motivation through enjoyment and success.

Enjoyment comes from the visual whole-page texts in every lesson.
Success comes from putting real-world language into practice - in every lesson.
With class DVDs, teacher's DVDs and interactive whiteboard resources available, you get total multimedia support for the classroom.

International Express: Elementary

The Student's Book and Workbook are now combined, and every unit is supported by stunning new video footage, bringing the outside world into

3-03-2021, 14:31, e-Books
Oxford FCE Result

FCE Result develops the skills your students need to get the right result in the Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam. The lively content and vibrant

27-09-2017, 14:51, e-Books
Outcomes Elementary - Intermediate

Outcomes Elementary - Intermediate

5-04-2019, 17:27, e-Books
Genki Japanese Readers (Box 1-2-3-4)

1-11-2024, 00:53, e-Books