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iPubsoft PDF Creator 2.1.39

PDF, çoklu endüstrilerde yaygın olarak kullanılan harika bir formattır. Sıklıkla bir PDF belgesi üretme ihtiyacı vardır. Kendi PDF'nizi üretmek için genellikle Acrobat'ın bir kopyasını çıkarmanız gerekir. Bununla birlikte, Adobe yazılımının yüksek maliyeti büyük engel haline geldi. Korkmana gerek yok! iPubsoft PDF Creator, adından da anlaşılacağı gibi, Adobe PDF oluşturma yeteneğine sahip bir programdır.

iPubsoft PDF Creator
iPubsoft PDF Creator 2.1.39

PDF is a wonderful format commonly used in multiple industries. There is often a need to create a PDF document. To produce your own PDF, you generally need to fork out for a copy of Acrobat. However, the high cost of Adobe software becomes the major hurdle. No need to fear! iPubsoft PDF Creator, just as the name suggests, is a program which has ability of creating Adobe PDF.

- Quickly make your own PDF from files like TXT, Word(.docx), Image (JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, etc.), Word (Docx), MOBI, CHM and HTML.
- Easy to use PDF creation software without additional watermarks or ads.
- Simple to save the new PDF file to the correct folder before it is created.
- Highly preserve all original elements after conversion.

Professionally Create PDF from Multi-Formats
This program lets you convert files into PDF format quickly and easily. You are allowed to import contents like JPG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, GIF, ICO, TXT, DOCX, MOBI, CHM, HTML and others for creating high quality, professional looking PDF documents.

Easy to Use for Anyone
Due to the clear interface with value added features, you are able to quickly and easily get started with the program. No need to learn a complex program or install any additional 3rd party apps.

Extremely Fast Speed
Batch creation mode allows you to add and convert files at one time, in order to save your precious time. Moreover, the program barely uses any computer resources, memory or CPU, when doing the actual PDF creation, to make sure the fast running speed.

Flexible Options
Multiple import ways: "Add File" button, drag-drop, add from the menu.
Optional output directory lets you customize your desired one freely.

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