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TunesKit AudioBook Converter

TunesKit Audiobook Converter for Windows, DRM korumasını kaldırarak ilgili kitapları MP3, WAV, AAC gibi dijital ses formatlarına dönüştürebilmektedir. Program sayesinde toplu veya tekil bir şekilde sesli kitapların DRM korumasını kaldırabilecek ve telefon, televizyon, bilgisayar, konsol gibi cihazlara uygun dönüştürme yapabileceksiniz. Özellikle DRM korumasından şikayetçilere göre bir program. İçerisinde crack eklidir.

TunesKit AudioBook Converter

TunesKit Audiobook Converter for Windows helps audiobook lovers easily break DRM lock from M4B, M4A, AA, AAX audiobooks that are purchased from iTunes, Audible.com and convert the DRM-ed files to unprotected MP3, AAC, M4B, WAV, FLAC, M4A formats compatible with any media playing devices at 30x faster speed.

Key Features include:
Remove DRM from iTunes M4A, M4B, Audible AA, AAX audiobooks.
Convert DRM-ed audiobooks to MP3, AAC, M4A, M4B, FLAC, WAV.
Retain original audio quality as well as ID3 tags and chapter info.
Import DRM-ed audiobooks to iPod, PSP, Creative Zen, iRiver, etc.
Overall, TunesKit Audiobook Converter for Windows is a great audiobook DRM removal solution to convert iTunes and Audible audiobooks to MP3, AAC, WAV, FLAC, M4A etc. The interface is easy to navigate, and the app has a small footprint.

TunesKit Audible Converter

With the purpose of letting you get full control over the audiobooks you purchased from Audible.com, the well designed TunesKit Audible Audiobook

18-12-2017, 14:09, Software
TunesKit Audio Converter

FairPlay DRM korumalı ve korumasız müzik, sesli kitapları MP3, M4A, AAC, FLAC, WAV, M4B gibi her türlü ses dosyasını her yerde dinleyebilmenizi

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TuneMobie Apple Music Converter Apple Music parçalarını, iTunes M4B audiobook, Audible AA/AAX audiobook ve MP3, M4A, M4R, WAV, FLAC, AC3, AU ve MKA

22-11-2017, 22:25, Software
TunesKit Apple Music Converter

Apple Music Converter for Windows is a professional DRM cracker to remove DRM from Apple Music files by converting DRM-ed Apple Music songs from M4P

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