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Oxford FCE Result

FCE Result develops the skills your students need to get the right result in the Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam. The lively content and vibrant design keep your students motivated. This can be managed by you, or students can do it as self-study. Use the new FCE Result iTools on your interactive whiteboard to bring a fresh approach to teaching.

Oxford FCE Result

Business Result - Oxford University Press - Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate + Audio

Business Result Business Result is a six-level business English course that gives students the communication skills they need for immediate use at

9-03-2019, 19:29, e-Books
Cambridge English: Advanced Result

Cambridge English: Advanced Result Cambridge English: Advanced Result is fully updated to prepare students for success in the new 2015 exam. The

4-10-2017, 23:47, e-Books
English Result Elementary

English Result Elementary A new general English course with a strong focus on student motivation and communicative speaking outcomes. Package

4-04-2019, 19:37, e-Books
English: Key for Schools Result: Workbook Resource Pack with Key

English: Key for Schools Result: Workbook Resource Pack with Key Key for Schools Result is a complete preparation course for the Cambridge English

1-03-2019, 00:15, e-Books