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Scrumptious South Korean Recipes: Your Go-To Cookbook of Exotic Asian Dish Ideas!

Scrumptious South Korean Recipes: Your Go-To Cookbook of Exotic Asian Dish Ideas!

How is food a part of local medicine in South Korea?
Would you like to use these properties in your own recipes?
Does your family enjoy Asian food?

For thousands of years, the people in what is now South Korea have held the belief that medicine, and food share their origins and perform together. They have a saying that reflects their belief that food is perhaps the best of medicines.

Koreans believe that good health, as well as sickness, comes from the foods they eat and the ways in which they consume them.

Korean cuisine involves some fermented ingredients. Fermenting helps the food to mature, and then it can safely be kept for future use. Some examples of fermented staple foods include chili paste (gochujang), Korean soy sauce (ganjang), and soybean paste (doenjang).

To make the Korean soy sauce & soybean paste, soybeans are soaked in water, boiled until cooked fully. They are pounded, then formed into “bricks,” then left to dry and fully ferment before being prepared for use in meals.

Kimchi has been gaining a reputation worldwide as a dish truly representative of Korean cuisine. It is nutritious and is used for diverse tastes. Turn the page. Let’s cook South Korean delights.