Learn To Draw Perfectly Portraits That Are Realistic
The world of drawing has changed. What was once considered a practice of the artist or hobbyist has now become a career and a daily routine for many. Drawing skills have evolved, and we now have to face a whole new wave of complex drawings that require new skillsets. Meant for artists and for the curious, the Drawing Perfectly Portraits workbook is a perfect way to figure out the complicated realities of drawing our world.
Anyone can draw a face. It's easy. Your art teacher probably drew a hundred yourself. It's no challenge at all. What a relief! Hold on. Don't worry. We believe that learning to draw can never be easy, but studying the masters can be rewarding. We combined a blend of expert instruction with new interactive tips and tricks to Draw Perfectly Portraits. This book, shows you how professional artists create realistic portraits. You'll learn the secrets of essential drawing skills in no time.